Antonio Giacobbe, Chef
This young association develops itself from a simple principle: you must have the freedom and intellectual honesty to learn from all the people who practice wing tsun and who has the desire to confront with each other.
I happened to stumble on this martial art, a friend was talking about it. Up until then I had chosen to didn't practice any martial arts in Messina, because I felt they didn't befit to me. Instead, with wing tsun was love at first sight, such as it was the perfect arts for what I was looking for: internal equilibrium, intelligence, speed, self-esteem... I've found familiar climate too. We address our teacher as "sifu" indeed, which means "father" in Chinese language. Someone says "when the disciple is ready, the master appears" and it is exactly what happened to me.
My training pals, and especially our sifu, are wonderful people, everybody humble and willing persons like no one else, not only in wing tsun, but also in the life outside the gym. To me, this show you how this kind of training makes you a better human being.
I've started about three years ago and they passed really fast: when you do something you like, the times is always too short... We often find ourselves to use every last second to make questions to our sifu.
Within the several matters I like about wing tsun, the one I like the most is the incessant interior growth (let alone the technical and the physical ones). When you think you grasped a concept, in that moment you found a new level, where you have to work intensely again. It isn't befit for people who hasn't the courage to work on themselves. Almost everyone can do this art, but it isn't correlate to his age, gender or physique. Above all, it depends from your mind, because without willpower you can't achieve anything.
The main benefit that I have found with wing tsun was a greater security in myself, more respect for myself above all, apart from being in shape and for me it is an important thing . I personally would recommend to everyone and for those who for example want to get away at the end of the day and recharge it to those who need to stay in shape.
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