Federico Ardizzone, Doctor
I knew the wing tsun long ago during a demonstration and I fell in love with. This art has captured my attention immediately because it is scientific, simple and effective. Every movement has its explanation, nothing is left to chance, and unlike many arts do not teach a slew of techniques that could be difficult to apply in combat but a set of principles that can be adapted and mastered by anyone and under any circumstances there you are. The path is long to understand the mechanisms, and requires, as in all things so much discipline, passion, dedication, sacrifice. The Wing Tsun for me is not just a way to defend against possible aggression but by now it has become a lifestyle. They are rooted in me the principles of calm, stress management, personal safety, respect for my opponent and concentration. Not all the credit has them this art but above all who you teach it. I have been fortunate to know my Sifu and the friend Salvatore Licata that sent me and continues to convey his knowledge and contagious passion that sets him apart.